Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beverage Tax and Health Care

I don't know everything about taxes or the Dirigo Health Care program, but it seems to me that it is a good thing for a program to exist to cover the uninsured. There certainly isn't a federal program to give coverage to those who don't have any, so some states have stepped up and offered various programs.

The Maine Public Broadcasting Network did a great overview of the issue and the ad of the Vote No on One Campaign.

Allen had a Free Medical Clinic at his old church. While he was there we both became aware of the crisis of the uninsured in the United States. We got to know organizations like Cover the Uninsured. The numbers at now up to 46 Million Americans, including 9 Million children are without health care coverage in the United States. This means that people either do not seek medical treatment when they need it or they pay the enormous costs themselves or their costs are covered by some combination of hospital and government agencies (taxpayers).

It seems reasonable to me that the Maine State Government would want to find a way to fund health care coverage for those who don't have any. So for myself, I have to say, I am more than willing to pay $0.04 more when I chose to buy a soda. If that money goes towards giving a child health care coverage that is one tax I am willing to pay. There are lots of taxes I pay that I am not so thrilled about paying, but health care coverage, that one, I would willingly pay.

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