Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission:

The New Light community exists as a safe place to explore the way of Jesus and to express God’s love in our neighborhood and world.

Our Vision:
New Light envisions a world that embraces community, celebrates inclusivity, expresses creativity, seeks transformation, and practices simplicity.

Our Core Values:
  • Community: Faith is a journey best traveled with others who share common values and a common commitment to life together. We strive to be formed as a community steeped in God’s love, expressed in loving relationships with one another, and engaged in the larger community in which we live.

  • Inclusivity: No one is outside the bounds of God’s grace. We strive to practice generous hospitality, welcoming and embracing everyone with the same love we have received from God. We affirm the sacred worth of every human being – no exceptions.

  • Creativity: At the foundation of our faith is the story of a God we call Creator – a God who is continually in the process of creating, who gifts us with creativity and invites us to create. We strive to incorporate music, drama, visual arts, dance, and other creative elements in all that we do.

  • Transformation: As we journey inward, we strive for transformed lives that better reflect the love of Christ; as we journey outward, we strive for a transformed world that better reflects God’s vision of peace and justice.

  • Simplicity: In a world preoccupied with materialism, consumption, and greed, we long for a simpler way. We strive to live simply, both individually and in our life together; to generously share our resources and practice faithful stewardship of God’s Creation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome clarity in mission, vision and values. Thanks for sharing!

Andrew Conard