Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wesley Covenant Prayer, remix

During our LIFE Groups this week, we spent some time reflecting on the words of the Wesley Covenant Prayer, which is part of our suggested daily devotions each day. One of the ways we engaged the prayer was by inviting people to rewrite the prayer in their own words -- to make the words their own. Here's what I came up with, which I think really does reflect my personal prayer right now:

God, I belong to you --
all of me to all of you.
May there be less of me
and more of you
every day,
wherever I am,
whatever I'm doing,
whatever I'm facing --
working or unemployed,
in prosperity or in pain;
when I'm celebrated
and when I'm ignored;
when all is well
and when all comes up empty;
when my cup is full
and when my wants are many.
I give it all up, Lord --
less of me and me of you.
Take it all.
And now, God,
great One above all
and in all
and beneath all,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
I belong to you --
all of me to all of you.
And now, what I say with my lips,
may I live it fully
and deeply

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allen - Thanks for sharing the remix. I think that it is very well done - staying true to the original and expressing in language relevant to today. Great stuff!

Andrew Conard