Monday, November 26, 2007

Searching for more?

We're a newly forming community of faith here in Portland, called New Light.

If you're searching for answers, or maybe searching for the right questions...
if you're searching for meaningful relationships where you can be who you are and be loved and accepted not in spite of that but because of that...
if you're searching for authentic community where conversation explores the deepest things in life...
if you ever wonder how you can make a difference in the world...
if you're a mixture of doubt and faith, hope and hopelessness, love and fear...
if you consider yourself to be spiritual but not religious...
if you think maybe there's something to the whole "God thing" but you're not sure church-as-usual is the place to encounter it...
if you want more out of life...
then join us for dinner this Thursday night at 6:00 pm.

Contact Allen or Sara
31 Sheffield Street
Portland, Maine

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