Saturday, April 18, 2009

Earth Day Happenings

This week offers many great ways to celebrate Earth Day!

On Sunday, during our regular worship time (6:00pm) we will share in the Festival of God's Creation. We invite you to bring along a symbol of God's Creation, or a symbol of a means of caring for the earth. For example: a bowl of water, a stone, a leaf, a plant,a piece of fruit, a recycling bin...whatever you can think of! We will be using these items to create our worship space on Sunday!

Vacation Station:
Tuesday, April 21 from 9:30am-12:00 @Hope.Gate.Way.(185 High St.)

We will host a children's activity day, for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. There will be crafts, snacks, games, and music all with an Earth Day theme. Talk to Sara, or post a message here if you are interested in volunteering, or if you know some kids who might enjoy this!

Earth Day Community Potluck & Movie:
Wednesday. April 22 @ 5:30pm @Hope.Gate.Way. (185 High St.)

Bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. After we eat, we'll watch the movie "Flow" an award winning documentary about the world water crisis.This is going to be a great community event, so be sure to invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers, grocers, dentists, etc. to come along with you!!

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