Friday, December 21, 2007

God Became Human--New Light Daily Advent Devotional

Philippians 2:5-11

Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself.
He had equal status with God
but didn't think so much of himself
that he had to cling to the advantages of that status
no matter what.
Not at all.

When the time came,
he set aside the privileges of deity
and took on the status of a slave,
became human!

Having become human,
he stayed human.
It was an incredibly humbling process.

He didn't claim special privileges.
Instead, he lived a selfless,
obedient life and then died a selfless,
obedient death - and the worst kind of death at that:
a crucifixion.

Because of that obedience,
God lifted him high
and honored him far beyond anyone or anything,
so that all created beings in heaven and on earth
- even those long ago dead and buried
- will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ,
and call out in praise that he is the Master of all,
to the glorious honor of God the Father.

Listen to Gather Round Ye Children Come especially being aware of these words
Yes, this was a previous devotional. I think the ideas in this scripture are so central to the Christian faith that I wanted to focus on it one more time.

So sing out with joy for the brave little boy
Who was God, but he made himself nothing
Well he gave up his pride and he came here to die
Like a man
Therefore God exalted him
To the place of highest praises

And he gave him a name above every name
That at the very name of Jesus, Son of God
We would sing out with joy for the brave little boy
Who was God, but he made himself nothing
Well he gave up his pride and he came here to die
Like a man
So in heaven and earth and below
Every knee would bow and worship
And every tongue would proclaim
That Jesus, He reigns with the angels

Question to ponder:
If Christ was humble enough to give up all glory and become a newborn infant, what can humility help you take on in your life?

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