Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rethink Easter

new light, new life, new love

Sunday, April 4th
at Hope.Gate.Way. (185 High Street, Portland)

9:30am -- Easter Worship Celebration

5:30pm -- Community Potluck and Worship Celebration

Grab your friends and neighbors and your favorite food item, and join us for a rockin' good time on Easter evening! We'll get together at Hope.Gate.Way. at 5:30, share food and laughter around the tables, and then head right into worship, with good music and a great message of life and hope and love.

Good Friday at Hope.Gate.Way.

Friday, April 2

On Good Friday, we remember Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. It's a day for prayer and reflection -- in preparation for a joyful celebration of resurrection and new life on Easter.

Good Friday Prayer Stations - Friday from 8am-6pm
Stop by Hope.Gate.Way. (185 High Street, Portland) sometime during the day to experience the events of Jesus' final days. Be still. Read words from scripture. Light a candle. Reflect on a piece of art. Open your heard and mind to the story.

Good Friday worship gathering -- Friday at 6:30pm at Hope.Gate.Way.
Music, Prayer, the story of Jesus' crucifixion, and the extinguishing of candles.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Looking for a child care provider

We are still looking for a child care provider to replace our wonderful Jenni Ricci. The job is every Sunday morning and one Sunday evening a month, plus the possibility of Friday morning hours. You can check out the job description here. Contact sara@newlightportland.org if you are interested.